Contact Info
Cold War Museum
John Welch
Box 861526
Vint Hill, VA 20187
Phone: 703-273-2381
Fax: 703-273 4903
- The Cold War Museum
- Cold War Mobile Exhibit
- Spy Tour
- The Cold War Times®
Hours of Operation
The permanent exhibit is not yet open to the public.About Us
The Museum

The museum has a mobile exhibit on the U-2 Incident of May 1, 1960. The exhibit has been displayed at many museums across the United States and internationally. The traveling exhibit has acted as a catalyst for the creation of a permanent Cold War Museum. To reserve the mobile exhibit, please contact the Cold War Museum. To see more on the museum background, Smithsonian affiliation and more, please refer to the links on the left side of our site.
Online you will find links to virtual exhibits, photo galleries, newsletters and many other collections of cold war related material. In our Gift Store you can purchase artifacts, books, jewelry or simply make a tax deductible donation in support of cold war history preservation.


The Cold War Times®
There are many ways to stay in touch with us here at the museum. The best method is to sign up for the Museum's newsletter, The Cold War Times®. We have established the Cold War Times in order to chronicle the history of the Cold War and notify our subscribers of Cold War anniversaries, events and activities that relate to the Cold War.

Gift Store
Be sure to visit our gift store, where you will find many unique collectibles from the US, Soviet Union and other sources. Since The Cold War Museum is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit charity, by shopping online through our web site you will be supporting the goals of the Cold War Museum with each purchase.
In Summary
The Cold War Museum endeavors to maintain a historically accurate record of the people, places and events of the Cold War. By educating future generations about the fears, divisions, and dangers that the Cold War fostered, the Museum will enable visitors to reflect upon the global geopolitical climate in which many of us grew up.
In addition, The Cold War Museum seeks to develop learning opportunities regarding Cold War implications for public policy, public administration, national security, and international peace and arms control. Through such resources The Cold War Museum will enable future generations to learn from the successes and failures of the past.
The Cold War Museum is cultivating relationships with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Besopasnosti (KGB), the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), and the National Archives, federal, state, and local entities, for-profit and non-profit organizations, worldwide veteran organizations, and individual citizens. The development of these and other relationships will help to establish the features that will be incorporated into the Cold War Museum and enhance the Museum's educational value.