Contact Info
Supervisor Pat Herrity
Pat Herrity
P.O. Box 2863
Springfield, VA 22152
Phone: 703-232-9174
- Managing Our Fiscal Crisis
- A Focus on Teachers and Classrooms
- Make Transportation a County Priority
- Protecting the Environment
Hours of Operation
Please Call (703) 451-5515or Email for an Appointment
About Us
Pat began his career at the Big Eight accounting firm Arthur Andersen and earned his Certified Public Accountant certificate in 1985. He has worked for several fast-growing Fairfax County-based government contractors and gained a reputation as a “go-to” Chief Financial Officer who possesses leadership, management, and financial skills that ensure success in a fast-paced environment.
Pat is currently the Chief Financial Officer for Arrowhead Global Solutions, Inc., a premier provider of integrated communication solutions. He led the turnaround of the company, was promoted to Chief Operating Officer and was instrumental in its growth from $80M to over $130 in revenues with a significantly greater growth in profitability. It is clear now more than ever we need a Chairman who understands fiscal responsibility and can read and comprehend a balance sheet. It is equally clear Pat has that experience plus some.